“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you”

-Rupi Kaur

How would you feel if you no longer had limiting beliefs?

If scarcity becomes abundance. critique becomes praise, I can’t becomes I can, I’ll never be enough becomes I am everything exactly as I am.

Diving deep into our core beliefs and reframing our inner dialouge is the key to freedom from limiting your beliefs.

You can be free from your limiting beleifs.

I have bee working with people in the health and coaching realm for 15 years. In order to truly find freedom, we dive deep into our core beliefs, find what is holding you back and reframe your thinking, allowing you to move forward with freedom, clarity and positivity.

Real talk for women, single moms and anyone raising kids.

I know what it’s like to look at yourself in the mirror and not recognize what you see, not understand how you got into the life you are currently living. I’ve been there, I lived it, barely.

I uprooted my whole life, pulled my kids out of school, left my marriage, took my kids around the world, sold our home and started a business. It’s not easy and it’s not simple and I here to tell you the honest truth about every single step.

Work With Me

My sessions are a mix of Hypnotherapy, IFS, Coaching, Mindfulness and Breathwork. We dive deep into your limiting beliefs and help release old patterns; freeing you from your inner critic.

Click below to book a 30 minute session FREE
